BIO Partnering™

Exceed your business development goals and connect with leaders, investors, and innovators across the industry. 

The new BIO Partnering™ system allows you to find potential business partners and request meetings through our easy-to-use online system. Expect to find senior biotech executives, business development leaders, and investors from premier firms participating this year. Your meetings will be scheduled in the Business Forum or at an Exhibitor Booth depending on your registration type. 

See who partnered at BIO 2024

You must register for a Premier Access registration pass to access the Partnering system.


Review our tutorials, FAQs, PDF guides and videos that will level up your BIO Partnering™ skills.


What's New

Have questions about the upgraded BIO Partnering™ system and what you can expect? 

Learn more

Top 5 Tips from the Partnering Team to supercharge your outreach

Start with active companies that meet your Partnering criteria

Use advanced search to select the types of companies you want to meet with - "included company types" is a great place to start, and "Primary/secondary therapeutic areas" allow you to get more specific. Make sure to sort by "modification date" to see companies that have most recently updated their profiles - those companies likely have delegates logging in regularly and checking meeting requests. Hint: Looking for cancer-related therapeutic area? Start with "neoplasm". 


Follow up with companies you met last year

From the search page, if you select "Advanced Search" and "Companies" there's an option to filter for "Previously met companies" - this will include any company you or your colleagues have met with at any past BIO Event. 

Keep yourself up to date with Saved Searches

New companies are registering delegates every day. Make sure to save your search criteria, and use the "Company registration date" to see new companies within your saved criteria that have registered since you last logged in.

Mention delegates from bigger delegations

Mentioning delegates is a great way to tailor your meeting request, and the BIO Partnering community loves a tailored message. (They perform better, too.) Use this feature if you know who you're mentioning and/or why you're reaching out to them.

Include linked resources

Don't keep your best marketing materials to yourself - share them in your message! You'll need to update the "Assets, Services and Market Products" section of your profile to link any of those as resources, and you'll want to upload any other attachments, like Powerpoint decks, to the "Content" section of your profile. 

Have questions About the BIO Partnering™ System?

We're here to Help!

Our system makes it easy to search for and identify potential partners and request meetings with prospective biotech investors and senior business development executives. Contact us to see how we can support your business objectives!

Mackensie V

Mackensie Vernetti




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