- Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing on or before Thursday, May 15, 2025, to receive a partial refund.
- A $600 administrative fee will be deducted from all cancellation refunds.
- Approved refunds will be processed after the conference. BIO regrets that refunds will not be given for no-shows/non-participants.
- Exhibition Access registrations or additional Exhibitor Booth Personnel registrations cannot be canceled and are non-refundable.
- Cancellation requests received after Thursday, May 15, 2025, will not be honored. Email cancellation requests to customercare@bio.org.
- To transfer your registration to another individual, please follow the instructions below:
- Select the “Click here to access your record” link located in your confirmation email.
- On the Dashboard select the “I would like to request a substitution” button
- Follow the instructions and submit the required information.
Deadline: Thursday, May 22, 2025.
Registrations can only be substituted once.