• June 16-19, 2025
  • Boston Convention & Exhibition Center


Mark Emalfarb

Mark A Emalfarb

Chief Executive Officer
Dyadic International, Inc.
Mark A. Emalfarb is the founder of Dyadic. He has been a member of Dyadic’s board of directors since October 2004 and has served as its Chairman as well as President and Chief Executive Officer from October 2004 until April 2007 and from June 2008 until the present. Since founding Dyadic in 1979, Mr. Emalfarb has successfully led and managed the evolution of Dyadic from its origins as a pioneer and leader in providing ingredients used in the stone-washing of blue jeans to the discovery, development, manufacturing and commercialization of specialty enzymes used in various industrial applications and the development of an integrated technology platform based on Dyadic’s patented and proprietary C1 fungal microorganism. Mr. Emalfarb is an inventor of over 25 U.S. and foreign biotechnology patents and patent applications resulting from discoveries related to the Company’s patented and proprietary C1 fungus, and has been the architect behind its formation of several strategic research and development, manufacturing and marketing relationships with U.S. and international partners. Mr. Emalfarb earned his B.A. degree from the University of Iowa in 1977.
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