Zemin Ning
Dr Zemin Ning,
ALLIFE Medicine
Dr Zemin Ning is a co-founder of Allife Medicine and also Senior Scientific Manager at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK. With more than 25 years research experiences in academia and industry, he specializes in genome informatics, including genome assembly, variant analysis and genetic testing. After completing a PhD degree at Aston University and postdoc training at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, he joined in the Sanger Institute in 1999 to pursue bioinformatics research. Over the past years, he and his colleagues in the group have developed a number of bioinformatics tools, some of which are widely appreciated by the genomics community. Dr Ning has published nearly 100 research papers with a Google citation number of 69,000.
06-Jun-2024Company Presentation Theater 2Allife Medicine