Taylor Sexton

Taylor Sexton

Principal, Health Policy and Medical Countermeasures, Todd Strategy Group
Taylor joined Todd Strategy Group in 2021 after serving as a Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He served in this role through two administrations and the COVID-19 pandemic. He also maintained his role as public health faculty and assistant director of federal affairs for Texas A&M University. While at HHS he advised the ASPR on many critical issues including the development and execution of Operation Warp Speed. As an infectious disease epidemiologist, he responded on behalf of the ASPR to coordinate state efforts, distribute therapeutics, acquire critical clinical supplies, and oversaw infection control within vaccine facilities. Taylor also served HHS as the Deputy Director of the HHS Joint Information Center (JIC) where he led a team to coordinate response within the interagency. Before joining HHS and Texas A&M University Taylor worked for Chairman Michael Burgess, MD overseeing the reauthorization of the Pandemic All Hazards Act (PAHPA). Prior to this role he practiced epidemiology for one of the largest health departments in the country leading zoonotic and High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) surveillance. Through this role he was recognized by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology for a top cited article on infant outcomes of Zika evaluating both diagnostics and surveillance. Taylor has a Masters in Public Health (MPH) from the University of North Texas Health Science Center and a B.S. from Texas A&M University. He is adjunct public health faculty at Texas A&M University and maintains his board certification by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.


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