Pauline Lau

Pauline Lau

Founder, Suntec Medical
United States
Pauline has 25+ years medical industry experience in both pharmaceutical and in-vitro medical device (IVD) product development. Prior to Suntec, she worked at F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG for 20+ years in various positions, including Senior Director of Integrated (Translational) Medicine, Directors of Scientific Affairs, Customer Service, and Director of R&D. Her technical experience includes translational medicine, pharmaceutical clinical development, biomarker development, and diagnostic product development. She was in charge of translational medicine aspects of therapeutic developments for 5 disease areas including inflammation (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis), infectious diseases (e.g. HIV, HPV, HCV), neurological diseases (e.g. pain), oncology, and urology. Pauline’s accomplishments have been well recognized by international societies. She served on the advisory board and provide consultation to major medical businesses in the US and Taiwan. She has been invited to speak at many international conferences, including the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Meetings. Furthermore, she was appointed advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) International Trade Council in 2008 to help Latin America pharmaceutical industry globalization. Additionally, she was one of six experts who developed the US guidelines in point-of-care testing that are currently used by the FDA, hospitals around the world, and international diagnostic companies.


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