Jaden Hyungseok Chang
ZTI Biosciences
United States
[Experiences] 02.2020 – Current The Chief Executive Officer in ZTI BIOSCIENCES 06.2018 – 01.2020 Director of Research Institute in ZTI BIOSCIENCES Korea 09.2013 – 06.2018 Senior Researcher in Samsung Display 03.2014 – 02.2017 Postdoctoral Researcher in Organic semi-conductor, U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, CA [Education and Academic Training] 09.2007 – 08.2013 Ph.D. in Biomaterial, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 03.2005 – 08.2007 M.S. in Chemical Organic Material, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 03.2001 – 02.2005 B.S. in Chemistry, Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea [Field of Specialization] Radiopharmaceuticals, Nano-Biotechnology, Nano medicine, Nano Engineering, Materials, Chemical Engineering, Peptide Engineering
03-Jun-2024Company Presentation Theater 1ZTI BIOSCIENCES