Heather Bowerman

Heather Bowerman

CEO & Founder, DotLab
United States
Heather Bowerman is the founder and CEO of DotLab, an AI/ML and molecular diagnostics company in women’s health. Bowerman has been recognized as a TR-35 Global Innovator by the MIT Technology Review, a World Technology Award Finalist for Health & Medicine, and as one of the 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs by Goldman Sachs. She was previously a management consultant at McKinsey & Company in healthcare and technology, an associate in the Obama White House’s Office of Science & Technology Policy, and Harvard’s nanotechnology teaching fellow. She is a graduate of the UC Berkeley College of Engineering and Harvard University. Bowerman founded DotLab because one of the world’s most prevalent, irreversibly debilitating diseases—that happens to only affect females—lacks sufficient tools for diagnosis, leaving millions undiagnosed or with a significant delay to diagnosis. DotLab led the “EMPOWER” study across the US, the largest-ever effort to evaluate and develop a non-invasive diagnostic tool for endometriosis and the first multi-center, prospective, cohort clinical diagnostic study of its kind. The biology of endometriosis is complicated and under-researched and a study like EMPOWER was necessary to bring diagnostic tools to market. Historically, studies of this magnitude have been lacking because non-oncology women’s health is an underserved market, today representing less than 1% of healthcare research spend. DotLab has been named as an “Amazing Medical Breakthrough” by Reader’s Digest and as one of the “Fierce 15” companies by FierceMedTech.


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