Gillian Fenton
Vaccines Legal Operations,
Gillian M. Fenton, Esq., CLP has been a member of the Licensing Executives Society (LES, USA & Canada) since 1992, and served as the society President in 2020-2021. Gillian’s contributions to LES and to the field of licensing were recognized with the society’s Frank Barnes Award in October, 2022. She is presently a member of the LES Public Policy Committee and is a volunteer instructor in LES educational courses. Gillian is presently Special Counsel for Innovation and Government Collaborations at GSK. Her practice includes a wide variety of business development transactions, R&D collaborations and nondilutive funding agreements with U.S. Government entities (NIH/NIAID, BARDA, CARB-X and DARPA), all in support of GSK’s vaccines pipeline and platform technologies. Prior to joining GSK, Gillian was VP, Associate General Counsel & Chief Intellectual Property Counsel at Emergent BioSolutions Inc., where she founded the IP department and supported all IP aspects of the company’s IPO and subsequent 9 years of growth through M&A in the vaccines, biodefense, and global health fields. Gillian also spent over ten years in private practice at law firms in Boston, MA and Washington, DC.
04-Jun-202432ABIn and Out of This World: Partnering with Federal Labs