Dylan Bechtle

Dylan Bechtle

US Regulatory Policy Lead, Johnson & Johnson
United States
From the earliest days of my education, and throughout my career, I have been driven by my passion for cell and gene therapies and ultimately ensuring that this field - which offers unparalleled benefits to patients - matures in a safe, effective, and sustainable manner. My passion for cell & gene therapy started from my earliest undergraduate days where I had the opportunity to study under several pioneers in the field of gene editing while at UC Berkeley. After completing my undergraduate degrees in Molecular and Cell Biology and History, I completed a MS in Biotechnology with an emphasis in Regulatory Affairs from Johns Hopkins. I am currently a part-time evening student in my third year of my JD at American University Washington College of Law in Washington D.C. Currently, I help lead J&J's cell and gene therapy regulatory policy efforts. My responsibilities include leading the internal development of policy positions, regulatory intelligence, internal education of stakeholders and external engagements with health authorities for CGTs. I have delivered several presentations to regulatory audiences (e.g., Taiwan FDA, China Society for Drug Regulation) about CGT topics and co-authored author two chapters for RAPS inaugural textbook on the regulation of CGTs.


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