Danaé Bartke
Person living with HCU, Executive Director,
HCU Network America
Diagnosed at the age of 10 with Classical HCU, Danae' struggled with the low-protein diet and formula. At 24 years old she suffered a blood clot, which was the cataylst that she needed to get back on track and seek community support. She first connected with the PKU Community (there was no HCU Network America at that time!). After feeling inspired by the larger low-protein community, in 2016 she co-founded HCU Network America. She speaks openly about dealing with her history of symptoms which include anxiety, depression, OCD, aggression outburst, ADD, sensory issues, scoliosis, osteopenia, lens dislocation, and of course her blood clot, in hopes it will help others feel seen in their journey.
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