Claire Skentelbery
Director General,
Claire holds a PhD in biochemistry and has worked within the economic development through science, with an almost 20 year career within industry associations. She started her career as part of the Cambridge biotech cluster and was part of the team behind the Council of European BioRegions, a network of biotech clusters across Europe which launched in 2003. Moving to Brussels, Claire became the Sec Gen of the cross-sectoral European Biotechnology Network, followed by The DG role at the Nanotechnology Industries Association. Claire joined EuropaBio as DG in late 2019, bring together her experience of association development with economic growth of biotechnology across sectors. As part of her role within EuropaBio she also holds the position of Vice Chair of the International Council of Biotechnology Associations.
03-Jun-202426BEurope's Policy Environment and the Impact on the Biotech Sector
04-Jun-202431CStrengthening of the Clinical Trials Environment in Europe Under the Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT EU) Initiative
05-Jun-202426ABreaking the Rare Disease Deadlock through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration