Cecilia Chung

Cecilia Chung

Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives and Evaluation, Transgender Law Center
United States
Cecilia Chung, a transgender woman living openly with HIV and Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Evaluation of Transgender Law Center, is an internationally recognized civil rights leader who advocates for HIV/AIDS awareness and care, LGBT equality, and social justice. Cecilia has been a vocal advocate for transgender women and people living with HIV. She has worked locally and internationally to advance equality and justice. Cecilia was the first transgender woman and first Asian to be elected to lead the Board of Directors of the San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration; the first transgender woman and first person living openly with HIV to Chair the San Francisco Human Rights Commission; and, an architect of the nation’s most ambitious publicly funded program addressing economic justice within the transgender community. Her community service spans nearly two decades. In 2004, as a founding producer of Trans March, she helped organize one of the world’s largest annual transgender events which has since been replicated in cities across the U.S. In 2005, she became the first Deputy Director of the Transgender Law Center . In 2013, she was appointed by President Barack Obama to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS and has served two full terms.


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