Alexandra Lucas
Serpass Biologics inc.
Biography Alexandra Lucas is a physician scientist who has led research in the field of virus-derived immune modulating protein therapeutics and vascular disease over the past 25 years. Dr Lucas has been a tenured professor at the University of Alberta, the Robarts Reserach Institute at the University of Western Ontario in Canada and at the University of Florida in the US holding the Vasculitis research chair. Dr Lucas is currently a Retired Professor with continuing Appointment at the Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University and is also PI for Richmond Clinical Trials, British Columbia, canada. Dr Lucas has over 200 publications, multiple patents and is the established a startup biotech company, Serpass Biologics, at the Biodesign Institute. (Up to 100 words) Presenting author details Full name: Alexandra R. Lucas, MD Contact number: 01-252-672-2301 E mail- alexluc1@asu.edu or arlucas5@asu.edu
04-Jun-2024Company Presentation Theater 3Serpass Biologics, Inc.