Vaccinating Against Mistrust and Misinformation During an Infodemic
June 05, 2024
Breakout Session

Research has shown that proliferation of misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, lack of trust in physicians or scientists, conspiracy-mindedness, and the nature of news sources were associated with not only avoiding vaccinations, but potentially receiving non-evidence-based treatment. Further, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented communities likely deepened mistrust of our country’s medical infrastructure for many in those populations. In a digital age where information and opinions are everywhere and unavoidable, this panel discusses actionable strategies to improve trust, ensure accurate information reaches the public, achieving health equity in public health information and the impacts of minority perceptions of these entities, and how to close the gap between health guidance and the population’s behavior.

Managing Director / Co-Founder
Tuckson Health Connections, LLC / Black Coaliition Against COVID-19