Start-Up Stadium Wednesday Morning
June 05, 2024
Start-Up Stadium is designed to provide start-up companies with the opportunity to engage key members of the investment community, venture philanthropy groups, strategic partners, and non-dilutive capital at the world’s largest biotechnology partnering event. During the 2024 BIO International Convention select finalists from around the world will share a quick pitch showcasing new technologies and therapeutic solutions to a panel of investor judges, followed by live feedback. This year will also feature evaluation of the presentations from seed-stage company finalists (less than $1M raised) separate from emerging company finalists (more than $1M but less than $10M raised to date). with a winner identified for each category. Past prizes have included 'fast-track' admission review to incubator programs at the Illumina Accelerator and The Innovation Space, as well as complimentary, one-year memberships in the Biotechnology Innovation Organization with access to the cost-savings programs of BIO Business Solutions.
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