Serpass Biologics, Inc.
June 04, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 3
Serpass Bologics, Inc. is developing a new class of highly effective immune modulating therapeutics PEGSerp-1 is a Tissue Targeting Anti-inflammatory Therapeutic There is a large unmet need for novel anti-inflammatory agents that are potent and safer than currently available options.PEGSerp-1 (SPS-101) is a first-in-class biologic anti-inflammatory SERPIN protein. PEGSerp-1 is in development for treatment of Immune and thrombotic disease. PEGSerp-1 has proven effective and safe for lupus lung hemorrhage, SARS viral infection and inflammatory bowel disease in pre linical testing. Prior clinical testing of the non PEGylated serpin demonstrated efficacy in models of inflammatory vascular disease, muscular dystrophy, corneal injury, wound healing and transplant. Serp-1 also proved effective in a Phase 2A clinical trial after coronary stent implantation. PEGSerp-1 is the first protein therapeutic developed by Serpass Biologics - A series of immune modulating proteins are available.

Company Website:
http://Serpass Biologics
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Company HQ Country
United States
CEO/Top Company Official
Alexandra Lucas,MD Founding Scientist
Achim Krauss, PhD - Interim CEO
Development Phase of Primary Product