Let’s Go STEDI: Moving Beyond QALY’s to Understand the True Value of Antimicrobials and Vaccines
June 03, 2024
Breakout Session

The value of a medicine is often judged solely by the value it brings to a patient, but preventive measures and medicines for infectious diseases benefit society, which is harder to measure. Stakeholders will unpack the concept of value and discuss the unique aspects of value assessment for antimicrobials and vaccines with a focus on the relatively new framework known as STEDI, which is comprised of five value elements: • Spectrum – The value of narrow spectrum antimicrobial agents; • Transmission – The value of reducing the spread of the disease; • Enablement – The value of enabling a variety of medical treatments; • Diversity – The value of reduction of selection pressure on pathogens; and • Insurance – The value of having a last line of treatment if all other treatments fail.