Promising Advances in Neuroscience: New Molecular Targets and Biomarkers
June 04, 2024
Breakout Session

There is a well-known crisis in mental health care in the United States, driven by lack of funding, insufficient numbers of providers, and decades of treating disorders of the mind as lesser, intractable maladies compared to those of the body. On top of the mental health crisis, there is a growing burden of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with more than 6 million Americans living with the central nervous system condition. By 2050, this number is projected to rise to nearly 13 million. This panel will discuss the promise and impressive strides made in the field of precision psychiatry. The emergence of quantitative biomarkers, such as electroencephalogram (EEG), and multimodal strategies to delineate and treat disease, are encouraging. Further, predictive models and AI techniques which utilize complex information, alongside the collection of objective data from patients in their everyday environments, provide an exciting potential pathway toward more tailored and effective treatments.