PDABs and the IRA: The Impact of Federal Legislation on State-Level Prescription Pricing Practices
June 05, 2024
Breakout Session

Uncertainties exist around American drug pricing policy, and as the U.S. government moves ahead with implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), state legislatures are increasingly considering Prescription Drug Affordability Boards (PDABs) to lower prescription drug costs. Eight states have enacted PDABs, and it’s speculated more states will adopt similar policies to expand oversight of state-regulated markets and mechanisms to address pricing. As the IRA moves into the implementation phase – barring any significant modifications – stakeholders are identifying consequences that threaten patients’ access to medicines and disrupt the innovation incentives for manufacturers. This panel will feature policy experts offering perspectives on state-level PDABs in a post IRA-world, how these regulatory bodies affect accessibility and affordability of prescription drugs for patients, and what can be done to ensure patient access to innovative new treatments continues.