
Pattern Computer

June 05, 2024
Company Presentation
Tools/Drug Development Support Tech
Company Presentation Theater 3
Pattern Computer uses its proprietary Pattern Discovery Engine™ (PDE) to solve the most important, intractable problems in business and medicine. Its proprietary mathematical techniques can discover complex patterns in very-high-order data that have eluded detection by much larger systems. Pattern's “Third Wave” PDE is the core of their Project StarBright™ Drug Discovery Program, to date creating new combination treatments for TNBC (2) and HGSOC (5), all now finishing in vivo testing; as well as creating much-improved diagnostics (from 63.7% to 70-99%) in a major global colorectal cancer data set. Pattern plans to file 14 new patents on combo drugs for mCRPC, testing begins in 2024. The PDE is also behind their ProSpectral™ diagnostics research instrument, able to detect COVID in 3 seconds at 98.8% balanced accuracy, using hyperspectral light and two drops of saliva. Now testing at various global labs for multiple diseases and cancer, and at two national labs for bioweapons research.
Pattern Computer
Company Website: https://www.patterncomputer.com
Lead Product in Development: Multiple Lead Products: 1.Combination drug treatments to 2 of the top cancer killers that currently do not have a direct treatments: Triple Negative Breast Cancer and High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer 2. ProSpectral Device: Currently being used as a research diagnostic instrument (while working towards FDA approval as a diagnostic device)- can detect COVID in 3 seconds with 98.8% accuracy using hyperspectral light and two drops of saliva (no reagents needed). Also working towards Influenza A & B, RSV and several other diseases. Two national labs using it for work on bioweapons research.

Company HQ City

Friday Harbor

Company HQ State


Company HQ Country

United States

CEO/Top Company Official

Mark Anderson, Founding Chair and CEO

Development Phase of Primary Product

Multiple Products in Market
Mark Anderson, BS
Chair and CEO
Pattern Computer
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