How Should Biotechs Plan and Partner with CROs and Other Providers to Deliver Clinical Research and Maximize the Value of their Asset?
June 04, 2024
Breakout Session

Join us for a panel discussion with leaders from across the clinical research ecosystem as we explore how to collaborate with providers and Contract Research Organizations (CROs) to accelerate your asset to its next milestone. Incorporating diverse perspectives, this will be an impactful session that will give you insights to take the next step in partnering to access relationships, services, and strategic insights. Facilitated by Tom Pike, CEO and Chairman of Fortrea, a global CRO that does ~50% of its work with global biotechnology companies, the panelists will discuss evolving trends and best practices regarding how to work with different types of vendors during the clinical development process. Topics include how biotech executives should think about partnering as part of their development strategy, how to leverage partners while building their organization, and lessons learned through their own experiences. When thinking about how to develop their assets, biotech companies are faced with hundreds of potential partners to choose from. They can benefit from a partner who has solutioned many of the challenges that come with finding, selecting, and contracting with the diverse range of providers required to deliver clinical research. CROs and other providers can act as the “network connector” due to their longstanding relationships with best-in-breed partners, access to innovative technologies and solutions, and their capability to orchestrate the selection and use of these solutions.
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