Partnering with ARPA-H: New Opportunities and Best Practices for Engaging a Transformative R&D Funder
June 06, 2024
Breakout Session

Join leaders from the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) for a discussion on the agency’s streamlined business practices and ambitious goals — all in service of accelerating better health outcomes for all Americans. The group will introduce the newest mission office focus areas, uncover the fastest pathways to partner with ARPA-H, and demystify the experience of organizations who work with us. Attend this conversation with ARPA-H’s esteemed Deputy Director Susan Monarez and Mission Office Directors Wade Shen (Proactive Health) and Jason Roos (Scalable Solutions). These experts and key partners will discuss Year 2 of ARPA-H, how to get funded by the agency, and the progress of current projects.