
Orizuru Therapeutics, Inc.

June 03, 2024
Company Presentation
Cell and Gene Therapy and Genome Editing
Company Presentation Theater 1
Orizuru Therapeutics Inc. was established in 2021 as a spinout from Takeda Pharmaceuticals and Kyoto University. The underlying technology is based on innovations from induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) research. Our company is research and development-driven, aiming to develop iPSCs for the treatment of life-threatening diseases with substantial unmet needs. Our current focus areas include: 1. Developing regenerative medical products through cell therapy. 2. Providing iPSC-related expertise as a service to support drug discovery research.
Orizuru Therapeutics, Inc.
Company Website: https://orizuru-therapeutics.com/en
Lead Product in Development: 1) OZTx-410, Human iPSC-derived Pancreatic Islet Cells OZTx-410 consists of highly engraftable, pure, and safe pancreatic cells. Transplantation enables patients to form pancreatic islet structures and physiologically control blood glucose levels in severe diabetes. We have already confirmed robust efficacy and safety in several animal models and will soon commence clinical trials as a treatment for brittle type I diabetes. 2) OZTx-556, Human iPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes OZTx-556 comprises highly engraftable, pure, and safe cardiomyocytes. Transplantation enables patients to replenish cardiomyocytes lost in heart diseases and promotes remuscularization. We have already confirmed robust efficacy and safety in several animal models and will initiate clinical trials soon as a treatment for chronic heart failure.
Number Of Unlicensed Products (For Which You Are Seeking Partners): 2

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CEO/Top Company Official

Kenji Nonaka

Development Phase of Primary Product

Phase I
Shinji Ogawa, PhD
Vice president and Chief Operating Officer
Orizuru Therapeutics, Inc.
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