A New Era for Access and Affordability: Considerations for Patients and Manufacturers in a Post-IRA World
June 03, 2024
Breakout Session

The Inflation Reduction Act represents one of the largest disruptions to drug pricing, stakeholder liability, and patient affordability since the inception of the Part D benefit. As Part D redesign is implemented over the course of 2024 and 2025, patients will be facing opportunities and potentially significant hurdles to maintain continued access to their treatments. While the introduction of an out-of-pocket cap in the Part D benefit and the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan may allow for greater affordability for enrollees, new liabilities for plans may create additional pressures and hurdles for patients accessing and adhering to their treatments. Panel participants will offer the audience a comprehensive view of how this new environment for access and affordability in the Part D space is creating the need for new and innovative thinking to meet patient needs.