miRecule Inc.
June 05, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 4
miRecule’s approach to drug design revolves around using a platform which integrates genomic sequencing, expression, and prognostic data from patients with high throughput screening of RNA to identify its drug candidates. The resulting Antibody-RNA Conjugates (ARCs), present a very promising opportunity that will significantly expand the targetome of antibody-based cancer therapy. RNA-based therapeutics hold out the promise of significantly lower cost-of-goods and the ability to rapidly modify and change (plug and play) therapeutics from an existing ARC scaffold. In 2022, miRecule entered into a strategic collaboration with Sanofi to develop a best-in-class nanobody-RNA conjugate to treat the second most common form of muscular dystrophy, Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD). Beyond this program, miRecule's own proprietary lead program, MC-30, targets the 6th most common form of cancer, head and neck cancer afflicting more than 30,000 patients annually.

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Lead Product in Development:
miRecule's own proprietary lead program, MC-30, targets the 6th most common form of cancer, head and neck cancer afflicting more than 30,000 patients annually, and addresses an estimated potential market opportunity of $3.2bil.
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United States
CEO/Top Company Official
Anthony Saleh
Development Phase of Primary Product