Gun Violence Prevention: A Case Study in Passing Meaningful Policies in a Hyper Partisan Era
June 03, 2024
Special Program

In an era of hyper partisan divide, how do gun violence prevention advocates pass meaningful policies? The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions has 5 research-backed priority solutions that data show work to save lives. Even with data on their side, getting policies passed is a challenge in this political climate. However, the success of Center experts and other gun violence prevention advocates shows passing effective laws is possible even on an issue as politically polarizing as the role of guns in the United States. What can you learn from their success on the national, state and local levels? Learn about the 5 research-backed solutions that take a public health approach to solving the gun violence epidemic. Hear from leading advocacy experts about getting their priorities passed and how it relates to your next advocacy campaign.

Executive Director
Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence and Coalition For A Safer Delaware