GSNO Therapeutics, Inc.
June 04, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 1
GSNO Therapeutics’ technology has one drug target, the enzyme GSNOR. Inhibiting it brings many therapeutic benefits that have shown potent activity in numerous models of human disease. We are concentrating on rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the subject of our recent NIH grant. RA is a debilitating chronic autoimmune disease affecting joints and other tissues. The Company has invented, synthesized, and developed the small molecule GSNORi, GTI-850, which in models of RA greatly suppresses autoimmunity, pro-inflammatory mediators, ROS/RNS, MMP, TNF-alpha plus other cytokines, and pro-inflammatory B & T cells that invade RA joints. Each RA MAB only inhibits one driver of RA, but GTI-850 inhibits many, suggesting that no other drugs have as much anti-RA efficacy as GTI-850. To bring GTI-850 to patients, we need to complete the IND-enabling studies including CMC, Safety studies, and then complete Phase I and II clinical trials to demonstrate safety and anti-RA activity.

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United States
CEO/Top Company Official
Matthews Bradley
Development Phase of Primary Product