Growth Opportunities from Women’s Health Investments
June 04, 2024
Breakout Session

Women, on average, spend 25% more time in poor health than men. "Closing the Women's Health Gap: A $1 Trillion Opportunity to Improve Lives and Economies,"a report published by the McKinsey Health Institute in collaboration with the World Economic Forum Center for Health and Healthcare, redefines Women’s Health and explores the root causes driving this discrepancy and outlines the actions needed to address the shortcomings that limit the ability of many women to live to their full potential. Closing the gender health gap could reduce the time women spend in poor health by almost two-thirds and add up to $1 trillion to the economy annually by 2040, the report says. It could also lead to an additional seven healthy days for every woman each year, or more than 500 days over a woman's lifetime. For every $1 invested in women's health, ~$3 is projected in economic growth, generating the equivalent impact of 137 million women accessing full-time positions by 2040, the research finds. This expert panel will explore McKinsey’s data to discuss how disparities in funding impacts women’s health. The panelists will also address how they are filling the women’s health gap to improve quality of life for women through the work of their companies.