June 03, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 3
GenEdit is developing genetic medicines with targeted in vivo delivery based on the NanoGalaxy® platform of non-viral, non-lipid hydrophilic nanoparticles (HNPs). HNPs offer a combination of advantages, including tissue selectivity, payload flexibility (siRNA, mRNA, gene editors up to 10 kB), low immunogenicity, ability to re-dose and ease of manufacturing. GenEdit identified HNPs that deliver to multiple tissues and cells such as antigen presenting cells in the spleen, neurons and glial cells in the brain or endothelium of the lung. GenEdit aims to leverage the full potential of the versatile HNP platform through the development of internal program to treat neurological diseases -currently in discovery stage- and partnerships in immunology, neurology and other therapeutic areas. GenEdit announced a multiyear collaboration and license agreement with Genentech to develop novel nanoparticles to deliver genetic medicines for autoimmune disease (January, 2023).

Company Website:
Lead Product in Development:
Neuro disease area (target and indication not yet publicly disclosed)
Number Of Unlicensed Products (For Which You Are Seeking Partners):
Seeking partnerships that are platform based.
Many indications in neuro and immune (activation and tolerance), immune oncology are available.
Company HQ City
South San Francisco
Company HQ State
Company HQ Country
United States
CEO/Top Company Official
Kunwoo Lee
Development Phase of Primary Product