Future of Biopharma Innovation: Unleashing the Potential of Emerging Therapeutic Modalities in Oncology and Beyond
June 04, 2024
Breakout Session

Emerging therapeutic modalities refer to novel ways of addressing biological targets with the help of new technologies, approaches, and mechanisms of action. This session will share findings from which we analyzed ~2,500 clinical trials, ~1,500 pipeline assets, and ~1,000 deals across geographies in the emerging therapeutic modalities space from proprietary databases. The study structured its findings along the following lenses: • Global overview and macro trends • Within oncology: exploration of the cold vs. hot tumors dynamics, targets and distribution of assets across • Beyond oncology: map of where emerging modalities take science beyond oncology, including hypothesis to support the scientific thesis and the potential synergies or areas of overlap across emerging modalities • Deal dynamics and company archetypes • Implications for the industry
Head of Innovation and Development Accelerator (IDeA)
European Medicines Agency (EMA)