ELEM Biotech
June 03, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 3
ELEM is a pioneer in biomedical simulation technology, creating virtual human populations for drug & device safety assessment. Its expertise lies in biomedical engineering, biophysical modelling & supercomputing replicating organ function, with an initial focus on cardiovascular disease. Medical trial failures plague drug development, with cardiac safety issues a major concern. ELEM's platform enables supercomputer-based trials to assess drug safety, supporting drug repurposing and accelerating regulatory approval. Its virtual humans provide evidence for decision-making, pipeline optimisation, risk reduction and cost avoidance for pharmaceutical companies, CROs and device manufacturers.

Company Website:
Lead Product in Development:
V.Heart platform
Company HQ City
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Company HQ Country
CEO/Top Company Official
Christopher Morton
Development Phase of Primary Product
Other/Not Applicable