Diversifying the Talent Pipeline: Industry-Recognized Curriculum for a Skilled Workforce
June 05, 2024
Breakout Session

In the June 2023 report from the White House titled "Building the Bioworkforce of the Future,"biomanufacturing was emphasized as a significant opportunity to leverage the talents of students and workers, particularly those historically underrepresented in the industry, to meet the demands of biotechnology manufacturers while advancing equity. However, a gap persists between the skills taught by academic institutions and those required by biomanufacturing companies. To address this disparity, educational institutions at the community college and four-year university level must collaborate with industry to develop curricula that adequately prepare students for success. In this panel, speakers will highlight academic programs that have evolved with industry input and share best practices and actionable strategies for building these programs everywhere, with a focus on the crucial role of Workforce Development Boards in facilitating these partnerships and fostering a skilled biomanufacturing workforce.