Combined Therapeutics
June 04, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 1
Combined Therapeutics (CTx) has developed an engineered mRNA vaccine platform capable of restricting antigen expression to targeted tissues. CTx has accomplished this restricted biodistribution by employing its proprietary MOP (multi-organ protection) system that engineers micro RNA binding sites (miRNAbs) into the 3’ UTR of the mRNA. These engineered miRNAbs enable differential antigen expression in different cells depending on the presence or absence of the homologous miRNA. In this way, leveraging knowledge of differential cell-specific miRNA expression levels allows the CTx mRNA platform to be engineered for specific targeted antigen expression. In the current vaccine application, CTx has engineered its mRNA-MOP vaccine platform to allow antigen expression at the injection site but inhibits broader systemic antigen expression.

Company Website:
Lead Product in Development:
Adjuvanted COVID19 vaccine: Spike MOP + IL 12 MOP
Company HQ City
Company HQ State
Company HQ Country
United States
CEO/Top Company Official
Romain Micol
Development Phase of Primary Product