Introducing the next cycle of affinity resin innovation
June 05, 2024
BioProcess Theater Session
The bioprocessing industry is continually challenged to increase productivity while keeping the cost of goods down when developing the next generation of therapeutics. One key aspect of the downstream purification process is the capture step, which relies upon protein A chromatography resins. Purolite, an Ecolab company, will present its next generation high-capacity protein A resin that demonstrates improved stability with low ligand leakage, aiming to increase productivity and cost reductions. Continuing on the success of Praesto™ Jetted A50 HipH, this protein A continues to address aggregation and impurity clearance through a wider pH elution window.

Principle Applications Scientist, Purolite, an Ecolab Company David Cartmell, Product Manager
Purolite, an Ecolab Company