June 04, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 2
Calviri is developing products to end cancer worldwide. We have made a fundamental discovery in tumor RNA misprocessing that can provide 1)a preventative cancer vaccine, 2) therapeutic vaccines for early cancer, 3) a diagnostic to detect cancer early. We are just completing a 5 yr, 800 dog clinical trial of our preventative vaccine. It is showing a 60% reduction in cancer in vaccinated dogs. This may be the biggest breakthrough in cancer. We are initiating a clinical trial of our off the shelf therapeutic vaccine and expect to commercialize our diagnostic this year. All our products are affordable to address cancer worldwide. We believe there is a path to end cancer worldwide, with Calviri's products playing a prominent role in the effort.

Company Website:
Lead Product in Development:
preventative cancer vaccine and diagnostic for early stage cancer
Number Of Unlicensed Products (For Which You Are Seeking Partners):
Company HQ City
Company HQ State
Company HQ Country
United States
CEO/Top Company Official
Stephen Albert Johnston
Development Phase of Primary Product
Phase III