Biomanufacturing Supply and Demand: Industry Trends and Projected Impacts
June 05, 2024
BioProcess Theater Session
BioProcess Theater
Since the first recombinant biologic drug was approved in 1982, to the first monoclonal antibody approval in 1986, to the first biosimilar approval in 2006, biologics have and continue to be an important part of the portfolio growth strategies for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies. Over the last twenty years, companies have continued to face key issues such as the current and future state of biomanufacturing capacity, the availability of that capacity, and technologies impacting upstream and downstream bioprocessing. This presentation will provide a high-level overview of the evolution and transformation of the supply of and demand for mammalian-based biopharmaceuticals, the industry’s current status, and a forecast of where the industry is heading and how manufacturers are keeping pace. Attendees will gain insight into the changes the industry has seen in the last twenty years and a better understanding of the trends that are emerging and how they may impact the future of manufacturing capacity.