June 05, 2024
Company Presentation

Company Presentation Theater 3
bBHC is a life science company, and we used human MSCs to induce pluripotency using natural compound. We refer to nEPSc. nEPS is a pluripotent stem cell that does not has tumorigenicity but can differentiate into endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. Marker expression and gene expression are different from iPSCs. However blastocyst markers are expressed. We used nEPS to conduct pre-clinical trial for Parkinson's disease and liver-cirrhosis, and confirmed that it has a very excellent therapeutic effect. Parkinson's disease and liver-cirrhosis pre-clinical trials are completed. We applied 470 patents related with nEPS over 158 countries and over 300 patents are registered lots of countries. We are interested in licensing-out our core technology and research collaboration and the next target diseases are Type1 &2 diabetes and solid cancer.

Company Website:
Lead Product in Development:
nEPS (bBHC Core Technology)
Company HQ City
Company HQ State
72 UN Village gil, Hannamdong, Yong-san Gu
Company HQ Country
Korea, Republic of
CEO/Top Company Official
Development Phase of Primary Product