

June 03, 2024
Company Presentation
Company Presentation Theater 2
After Dr. Ron Liu founded AustarPharma in NJ, USA in 2004, he founded Bostal Drug Delivery in Guangzhou, China in 2013. Both AustarPharma and Bostal are drug delivery technology based enterprises with focusing on the markets of US and China, respectively. After the acquisition of Abbott’s R&D and GMP manufacturing facility in 2009, AustarPharma currently has about 70 employees, with its location at Edison, NJ USA. Bostal is located in Guangzhou and has about 500 employees. Both facilities have passed multiple FDA, EU and other authorities’ GMP inspections and are equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and GMP commercial manufacturing facilities. The Company has developed world class platform technologies with commercial manufacturing capabilities. The pipelines of the Company cover the therapeutic areas include metabolic, CNS, oncology, immunology, and cardiovascular.
Company Website: http://www.austarpharma.com
Lead Product in Development: CNS, Diabets, Anticoagulant, immunology
Number Of Unlicensed Products (For Which You Are Seeking Partners): 1. Semaglutide once in two months LAI for diabetes supported by excellent clinical results; 2. Brexpiprazole once in two months LAI for the treatment of agitation associated with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease (AAD), schizophrenia in adult, and major depressive disorder (MDD) supported by excellent clinical results, 3. Dabigatran (Pradaxa) 505(b)(2) new drug for the treatment and prevention of blood clots with the potential of reducing of bleeding supported by excellent clinical results, 4. Tofacitinib (Xeljanz XR) 505(b)(2) new drug for RA with morning stiffness supported by excellent clinical results.

Company HQ City

New Jersey

Company HQ State

United States

Company HQ Country

United States

CEO/Top Company Official

Ron Liu

Development Phase of Primary Product

Phase I
Ron Liu, PhD
Chairman and CEO
AustarPharma, LLC
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