June 05, 2024
Start-Up Stadium Session

Company Description: AgenT is a French life sciences company on a mission to defeat Alzheimer’s by targeting the silent phase. By combining multi-omics assays with advanced machine learning techniques, we found new blood biomarkers (not abeta or tau) deregulated from the earliest stages of the disease. Using this proprietary database, we are developing two blood diagnoses (B-HEALED™ and B-AHEAD™) and the next generation of precision therapies to treat Alzheimer’s. Our two blood tests have been validated in a clinical validation involving 632 participants sampled up to 18 years prior to the dementia onset and coming from the US, Europe and Australia. We are pioneering a new method for detecting and treating Alzheimer’s disease in its silent stage to prevent the onset of irreversible symptoms.

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CEO/Top Company Official
Dr. Jérôme Braudeau