Platform Power: How Genetic Medicine Technologies are Changing Expectations for Medicine
June 18, 2025
Breakout Session

The Human Genome Project led to an explosion of knowledge about the genetic roots of disease. Now leaders in genetic medicine technologies, including RNAi therapeutics and CRISPR gene editing, are harnessing this knowledge to fundamentally change the way that disease is treated. And they are rewriting the rules of drug discovery and development in the process.
Each genetic medicine technology employs DNA or RNA to treat disease. This session will examine how several prominent genetic medicine technologies work, what they have in common, and how they are distinct. The conversation will also cover how genetic medicine technologies can accelerate the process of making and testing drugs.

Chief Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President and Head of Research and Early Development
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Senior Vice President, Research and Co-Head, Regeneron Genetic Medicines

Board Member, Scientific Advisor, and former Chief Scientific Officer
Intellia Therapeutics