An Investor and a Value Assessor Walk into a Bar
June 17, 2025
Breakout Session

Nearly a quarter of adults in the United States report difficulty affording prescription drugs which is often attributed to the drug’s price set by the manufacturer rather than to the patient out-of-pocket costs set by the insurance company. This has resulted in drug pricing pressure reaching an all-time high. Some of this pressure comes from value assessment organizations that often suggest dramatic price discounts are needed from market-based prices. However, these frameworks take a narrow view of value, rarely account for genericization, and do not engage the investing community as stakeholders in the process.
This session will include a dialogue between an unlikely duo - a biotech investor and a value assessor. The investor will question the former value assessor on necessary adaptations to value assessment frameworks to ensure future innovation. The investor will speak about how investment decisions are made and how market-based pricing incentivizes future innovation. The speakers will close with a discussion on policies that would ensure affordable patient access while preserving continued innovation and end with time reserved for audience questions.