
Fireside Chat with Dr. William Pao, author of "Breakthrough: The Quest for Life-Changing Medicines"

June 17, 2025
Special Program
What does it take to create a new medicine? The trajectory from laboratory to your neighborhood chemist rarely runs in a straight line. Eureka moments come few and far between. Drug discoveries demand leaps of imagination and lateral thinking, the accumulation of the knowledge and expertise of many, and – nearly always – a hefty dollop of luck. Charting the discovery of eight revolutionary drugs, Dr William Pao cuts to the innovative heart of medical science and celebrates the tireless work of scientists fighting for better medical care. Behind each of these medicines – whether a potentially life-saving new treatment for cancer, or something as commonplace as paracetamol – there stands a cast of characters and a wealth of stories. To develop a new drug scientists must decode nature – the biological secrets of life that have evolved over millions of years. They must identify and characterize a disease, understand scientifically why it occurs, and then find a way to alter its course by employing a particular molecule that will impact the disease without incurring serious side effects. Documenting these fascinating journeys, BREAKTHROUGH grants a privileged look at the stories behind the medicines that improve – and very often save – our lives. In the final chapter Pao shows how a culture of innovation can apply more widely to technology, business, careers, politics and life. About the author: Dr. William Pao is a physician-scientist whose career has spanned academia, industry and biotech.
William Pao, MD, PhD


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