Beyond Innovation: Supercharging America's Biomanufacturing Infrastructure
June 16, 2025
Breakout Session

The bioeconomy—encompassing industries that leverage biological resources, processes, and principles—spans sectors such as biotechnology, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, bioenergy, and synthetic biology. These industries create products essential to both economic growth and national defense. While the United States has led many key advancements in the global bioeconomy, the growth of U.S. biomanufacturing capacity has not kept pace with innovations in product and process development. This panel will examine critical considerations for expanding US biomanufacturing infrastructure to support the production of pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and other bio-based products.
Panelist will discuss the progress made and the opportunities ahead for expanding bioindustrial manufacturing. Topics will including the unique roles that the DoD and HHS have in supporting these public-private partnerships and insight from industry leaders in biomanufacturing.

Program Director
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Preparedness (BioMaP) DHHS/ASPR/BARDA

Principal Director for Biotechnology in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
US Department of Defense